Tuesday 28 February 2017


a passenger ship built back in 1929,
seen at the home port STAVANGER.

Monday 27 February 2017

A mural.

A mural seen outside Tou Scene.

Sunday 26 February 2017

Abstract 9, seen at Studio-White.

Abstract 9
Seen at Studio-White.

Saturday 25 February 2017


What to do in the afternoon?
Roller skiing.
Well, that was yesterday.
Today it could have been water skiing.
It has been pouring down with rain most of the day.

Friday 24 February 2017

An old tradition we got from Sweden...

It is time for FASTELAVEN (the festive season before Lent).

These decorations, named "Fastelavensris" are now sold many places all over the country.
A nice tradition, to buy or give to others.

The Norwegian Women's Public Health Association is Norway's largest women's organization, our purpose is to contribute to a safe and inclusive society through the voluntary activities of our members. (Taken from their web.page)
Click up in the right corner for English text.

Happy Weekend!

Thursday 23 February 2017

Galleri Opdahl

Galleri Opdahl has Contemporary Art.

Wednesday 22 February 2017



Tuesday 21 February 2017

Monday 20 February 2017


Another grey rainy day.
I love the bright colour of the supply ship / offshore tug  VIKING QUEEN, and the feeling of being at the beach...

Sunday 19 February 2017

Saturday 18 February 2017

A little pocket friend

I have a good friend and ex-colleague who always has several knitting projects and a big heart for other people.
It is just amazing how many babies who have received a welcoming gift with beautiful handmade clothes.
And it is not only her family and friends who get knitted gifts from her. Before Christmas she gave lots of handmade woollen gloves, scarves and hats to people who are less fortunate, through a centre for young drug addicts. The latest project that she is involved in is "pocket friends", small teddy bears that will be given out to children in ambulances on their way to hospital. A personal little friend .....
You can read more about the project here:
"Pocket Friends"
The image shows just a few "pocket friends", there are plenty more that are finished and ready to be delivered.
Well done, Britt!
I don't know anyone else in Norway, who does so much for other people! 

Friday 17 February 2017


This weekend I bought some COLOURFUL flowers.
A bit of spring in the air. Or perhaps just a wish...

Thursday 16 February 2017

An artistic door seen at Fargegaten

An artistic door seen at FARGEGATEN.

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Good morning from Stavanger.

We have had a few very nice, sunny and cold days now.
It has been wonderful!

This is an image taken around 9 o'clock one morning.

Tuesday 14 February 2017



Today is Valetine's Day!

I took a snapshot of some of the hearts on this tree at a shopping mall.

Perhaps the winner from the red heart tree could win a dinner for TWO?

Perhaps it is commercialised, perhaps it is over the top, but whatever...

If all the adverts are real, it is the day to get cheap flights for TWO etc.etc.

Anyway, have FUN!

Monday 13 February 2017

Keep quiet...

Keep quiet.....

A clear message on the window at "Bøker & Børst."

Sunday 12 February 2017


It is MOTHERS DAY today!
Hopefully most sons and daughters have remembered.
I thought about it when I passed the very nice shop KARMA, and wondered if someone in town will be lucky to get this warm ultra feminine and pretty coat today.
Beautiful roses are probably appreciated by lots of mothers, no matter what age group they belong to.

Saturday 11 February 2017

A bit of snow and ice.

A bit of snow and ice this morning.

Friday 10 February 2017


I sometimes see people and think, wow, they really suit each other.
And several times this week I have met KARI and JON out walking their dog.

Of course I noticed Kari's bright pink PUSSYHAT, so she got some sort of "an extra star" from me.
She has just finished knitting number five!
The https://www.pussyhatproject.com tells more about the project.
I am lucky to have some American friends who took part, and even went on the marches too.

Here in Norway, Oslo, Bergen and Trondheim held marches, as many other cities did around the world. If there had been one here in Stavanger I would have been there!

Kari and Jon are a sporty couple. If you see a pink Pussyhat out in the fjords, it might be Kari out swimming. If you see Jon on land taking photos, - it is definitely them.
Since May last year she has had her own project, taking an outdoor swim once a week, and believe me it is pretty COLD now.
Well done, Kari!

It is HAPPY FRIDAY, so enjoy the weekend everyone!

Thursday 9 February 2017

Pups having fun!

Pups having fun!

(Huge size difference, but both less than 6 months old.)

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Let it snow....

We have had a mild winter so far.
And we have hardly seen any snow.
Cold and sunny outside. I'm waiting for the snow....

Tuesday 7 February 2017

The Big Blue Door.

I have always liked this BIG BLUE DOOR.

Monday 6 February 2017

Pure Evil art.

PURE EVIL art, is in town.
I am not joking, it is the British artist Charles Uzzell-Edwards artistic name.

Thanks to "google" I managed to find out more about the art.

 If you walk around at Østervåg, you can see it on the corner of one of the narrow side roads.

More info. you will find here:

Sunday 5 February 2017

Suddenly a bit of sunshine.

The sky was so dark (yesterday afternoon),
but suddenly it was like someone turned the lighst on.

Saturday 4 February 2017

Travel exhibition.

Today we have a travel exhibition in Stavanger.
Agencies and hotels showing what they have to offer.
I have to say there were very few exhibitors, compared to previous years.
Perhaps a sign of the times here in Stavanger?

Friday 3 February 2017

Mahad Abib Mahamud

Mahad Abib Mahamud is a 30 year old bioengineer, who came to Norway when he was 17 years old.
Now the authorities are saying that he is one of several people who are not entitled to a Norwegian passport, since it is not true that he is from Somalia.
Some do not know what to believe, some are saying that he should be in entitled to stay in the country, since he came to Norway he has been contributing to society.

Mahad's solicitor is saying: It is illegal to make someone stateless! And I guess the government has some work to do because there are several cases like this, and it should at least be possible to try this case in court.

On my way home this afternoon, I saw a group of about 50 people walking towards the old market place, where they held a protest about MAHAD's situation.

Agree or not, it is good to see that there are people who go out and express their feelings and opinions about different political cases.

The banner is saying:

It is enough now!
Let Mahad stay!

Thursday 2 February 2017

Wednesday 1 February 2017

Irma Bruun Hodne

This is made by Irma Bruun Hodne back in 1956.
Today you can see " Children with birds" at Storhaug.