Saturday 30 September 2017

The (young) firemen.

These two boys where dressed in clothes that were just right for the fire brigade, but also to cope with all the rain we have had today.
It looked like they were happy with their shopping, so I guess that included "lørdagsgodt" sweets for Saturday afternoon/ evening too.

Friday 29 September 2017

Autumn colours.

It has been a fantastically nice and warm week.
A week to remember!
Now it has started to rain.
And it will be pouring down according to the weather forecast.
Anyway, have a nice weekend!

Thursday 28 September 2017

Along the harbour.

Reflections... both sides of the harbour area.

Wednesday 27 September 2017

New and old.

Different architectural style in town.

Tuesday 26 September 2017


Funnel Chanterelles can be found many places.
This is from the Sandnes area.

Yesterday gave us sunshine and temperatures above +20C
Looks like it is going to be a fine day today too.
So enjoy the feel of summer!

Monday 25 September 2017

JPS "Spilt Anarchy"

Streetart / Mural seen near the harbour.

JPS "Spilt Anarchy"

Sunday 24 September 2017

Beans On Wheels.

New place to get a coffee in town.
It moves around, so it is either near the Cathedral or near the harbor and sometimes at special events.
I tried the orange flavoured coffee. Very nice. It looks like a popular place.
The woman who runs it is Polish and she has only been doing it for a short period of time.
Follow her on "Beans On Wheels" on Facebook or instagram for news and updates.

Saturday 23 September 2017

Morning walk.

Early morning walk today.
Sunny most of the day!
Enjoy your weekend!

Friday 22 September 2017

Thanks for the artistic work!

I just love the colourful and artistic work here on the very GREY part of the airport.

Thanks to the Portoguese artist, Diogo Machado, and also to Nuart and Avinor!

Please follow the link for further information.

Thursday 21 September 2017

The Church City Mission...

In 2016 the Church City Mission started a campaign to knit orange coloured scarves to homeless people, or people who are less fortunate in one way or another, and who could benefit from something useful, colourful, nice and warm in the dark winter months.

I saw some in the city park last year, and I have friends who knitted several up to the day (November 1st.) when they are given out at many places around Norway.

Take a look at this.

Images and more info. you will find on instagram, Facebook as well as google.

I started knitting one last weekend.

Wednesday 20 September 2017

Rain rain rain.

Looking up today....
Well, we have had RAIN and I guess it will continue that way.

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Looking up.

Looking up... while walking through some of the narrow roads in town.
Blue sky
and things I don´t normally notice.

Monday 18 September 2017

Looking down.

Flying over the Sola /Tananger area.

Sunday 17 September 2017

The English Queen has been here.

Seen on the floor at the airport.
I don´t know if she ever came back to our city, but I guess she has been busy and travelling more places than most of us will ever do.

Saturday 16 September 2017

Someone must have gone bananas!

Someone must have gone bananas.
Seen (at least ,what was left of it) on my morningwalk.

Friday 15 September 2017


It is Friday.
I hope you have some nice flowers at home.
This is from my favourite florist shop in town.
"Sølvberget Blomster", just behind the Culture House.

- Happy weekend!

Thursday 14 September 2017

100 UGÅ

"100 UGÅ" has become like an annual event in Sandnes.

It is one week where restaurants serve dinners for 100 Norwegian Kroner.

This is "Hønsefrikasse" / "Chicken fricassee", traditional Norwegian food.
It tasted good.
From the restaurant named GamlaVærket.

Wednesday 13 September 2017

The station building.

The station building at the railway station in Stavanger.
No trains continue from Stavanger.... just plenty of stops (back) south and east to Kristiansand and Oslo.

Tuesday 12 September 2017

From Germany.

The result after yesterday´s posting:
Our conservative PM Erna Solberg will continue as our prime minister.
Some small & big changes for some of the many political parties.

This German family had been lucky on Saturday to walk up to the famous PULPIT ROCK in sunshine! The little girl managed it without any problems, so well done!

I just met them in town on the very rainy Sunday we had.
They were heading north for Haugesund later in the day.

I pointed out on the map where to find the Childrens Museum and also Old Stavanger on the other side of the harbour.

Nice meeting you.
I hope you will be back ( as you said ) and that the weather will be better than this week.


Monday 11 September 2017

Election Day!

The Election Day is here.
Some have voted earlier, and some voted yesterday.

But most people do it today.

I will be watching the results on TV tonight.

Some info. in English:

Sunday 10 September 2017


A morningwalk in the rain in Stavanger.
Suddenly we saw the rainbow framing the arriving cruise ship.

Saturday 9 September 2017

Sunny Saturday.

Luckely it turned out to be a nice sunny Saturday today.

The last chance for all the politicians to tell their promises before the election on Monday.

I was trying to get an ok photo of the place and all the people in front of the Culture House.

Well, I am not very tall.... so when I saw Anne Gunhild with long legs and a camera that looked very professional I asked if she managed to get some nice photos.

She told me that she was on a camera course and they were all out photographing people.
Good luck with the course and the photo shoots.

Friday 8 September 2017


Rain-rain go away!
We have had more than enough of rain here on the west coast of Norway.

Red door seen through the car window.

Make the weekend cosy!

Thursday 7 September 2017

A trip to Sandnes.

A trip to Sandnes yesterday evening also included a look around KINOKINO Kunstsal (art gallery).
If you live in the area and hurry up, you can see these artistic graphic works from around 1940 that have been scanned from slides and turned into large posters.

Wednesday 6 September 2017


For some time now we have had the chance to buy personalised number plates.
I have seen a few when I have been out driving, but I promised to take a photo if I saw one, and here it is.
The smiling man driving told me that MISS B was his wife and singer in the band "Miss B and the bluecats."

Here is the car!
And here is some music and info.

Tuesday 5 September 2017

Election time.

It is election time here in Norway.
You will find lots of information here:

This is a voting booth where you can still vote for a few more days.
So I guess it is just to find out WHO to vote for.

We might get a new PM soon, or perhaps Erna Solberg will continue to
be our prime minister for four more years.

Monday 4 September 2017


I feel sorry for the people who have to LIVE here when this huge roadwork is going on.

Sunday 3 September 2017

A Sunny Sunday.

Most of today has been sunny and pleasantly warm.
So I thought sunflowers would be appropriate as todays image.

I enjoyed the weekend!
Hope you have had a good weekend too.

Saturday 2 September 2017

A clear message.

This is a clear message to all of us who understand the dialect here in Stavanger.
Simply translated; it tells you: If you park here, it is just walking distances to everything that you need.

Friday 1 September 2017


Jeff Gillette created this street art for NUART.
I guess most of you know who it is.

Enjoy your weekend!