Wednesday 29 February 2012

An old building, a place to rent for small parties or if you want to you can attend the: Stavanger Astronomy Society

The Stavanger Astronomy Society is a place I have not visited, but who knows, perhaps I will one day?
Please, check out the links on their site if you are interested.

There are many people who go for walks around this area, and some even jogging.

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Many shops are selling out the winter clothes.
"sjukt billing" means something like "unbelievably cheap" or "crazy prices".

Monday 27 February 2012

Miko was wearing his bright red stylish coat yesterday.
It was handmade by the owner, and obviously made with love!

Sunday 26 February 2012

This sporty family had stopped at the shop/bakery, just like me. After the mum had jumped on her bike too, they were of on a cycling trip around Hafrsfjord.
Today has been a perfect day for activities. Frost at first in the morning, but then sunshine later and +5C.

Saturday 25 February 2012

I saw a nice sign of the approaching spring today, at Mimi`s shop in the colorful street, Øvre Holmegate 26.

Friday 24 February 2012

Yesterday I told you about something SMART, today I will show you something NOT so SMART!
Shop owners and people living in the city centre must spend quite a lot of money, as well as time, to get rid of these "messages"!!
We have too much graffiti!

Thursday 23 February 2012

Yes, I know it is just a label on a lamp post.
But it is so SMART that I thought I would tell you about it.
Stavanger Turistforening and the council have created 52 trips in and around different areas of the city, one trip per week. You can use their website or your mobile to get maps and informations. So why not try it out when and if you are in Stavanger.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

If you click on the words after "labels" under the text, you will see more statues, all made as a copy of the artist Anthony Gormley.
Like it or not, here is one that was put up outside the old school "Solvang". Later 40 million kroner was spent on making the school in to a kindergarden.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Unfortunately I did not have the opportunity to see and hear the artist when "Kunstgalleriet" opened her 3rd exhibition last week, but today I had the chance to take a look around.....
My photo just shows a tiny glimpse of what you can see in the gallery.
For more info take a look at or the artists webpage at

Monday 20 February 2012

Roadworks in the winter.

Sunday 19 February 2012

For 66 years now, volunteers from the Norwegian Woman`s Public Health Association have made colorful decorated birches, for sale. This year I noticed that some were put up around the park in the city centre. In Norway there are sold 250,000 feathered birch twigs every year. All the money goes to health projects.
It is a sign of Lent and Spring, a tradition we have "taken" from Germany, and it is sold the same number of weeks before Easter, every year.

Saturday 18 February 2012

The old Lady and her bag...

Friday 17 February 2012

One message I understand, the other I gave up on.....
Have a lovely weekend!:)

Thursday 16 February 2012

If you are in Stavanger just now, you will not agree on this image with sunshine and a blue sky!

It has been rainy, foggy and quite dull today.

Well, the image is from yesterday, - taken from Sørmarka towards the area with the tower named "Vålands tårnet".
It is a nice area to go for walks, and a nice 360 degree view from the top.
And it is only a short walk from the city centre.

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Cold feet. . . .

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Sweet sixteen!
And Vilja Viktoria is sweet!
She works at "MIX VideoVerden" where they sell and rent out videos, as well as operate our local post office.
I noticed her jumper with the pink LOVE.
Of course it is THE DAY for it today, as it is Valentines Day!:)
She said she was single, but a good friend had been there with lovely red roses, so I seriously don`t think she will be single for long!
Anyway, she and her college are smiling and service minded people, so not bad going to the post office these days!

Monday 13 February 2012

Just a quick snapshot from our local bakery.
Those wooden items on top of the shelves make me smile!:)
I hope the school kid who made these is aware that the owner and we the customers still appreciate all the work that has been put in to them.

Sunday 12 February 2012

After a day and night with rain, the sun was up, - and now most of the snow and ice is melting.

Saturday 11 February 2012

OLGA is all over the city, but who she is............ I don`t know!

Friday 10 February 2012

Yesterday I went with a friend to a "happening", outside at the Rogaland Art Centre.
It was freezing cold.................. and very nice to be served mulled wine.....
Anyway, "Lights on" presented video - art by:
John Smith (UK) Leading Light (1975)
Sidsel Christensen (DK) Light (2010)
Susanne Christensen (DK),The Himation (2011)
Brede Korsmo (NO), The Search (2010)

And the curator was Daniela Ariado.

A unique way to see art!
It will be on until February 24, so if you are in the area, put on woolen clothes and go and take a look.

(The winner of the CD, will be announced under last Fridays posting.)

Thursday 9 February 2012

Roadwork ....... so many places in and around Stavanger.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

The White House....

Everyone still has a chance to win a Jazz CD :)
See LAST Fridays posting!

Tuesday 7 February 2012

The shop is no longer here, but the facade is still the same.........

Monday 6 February 2012

Melting snow and ice.
Today started off with plenty of rain, a bit of snow, then sunshine.
Now the melted snow is freezing again, making everything very slippery.

Sunday 5 February 2012

Out for a walk, - this time Sølyst, one of the islands connected to the city centre by the bridge.

Saturday 4 February 2012

We got more snow yesterday.
Just a short message: It is COLD!
But so is most of Europe these days.

Friday 3 February 2012

If you are a "follower" of my blog, you can now WIN a CD by Ann - Kristin Sørvåg.
( Her artist name is: Ann-K-Norway -Ensemble. )

I got two CD's yesterday, one that I have been playing again and again, and the other one I will post to one of you, who would like to have a brand new CD with "Heavenly Music from Norway between Jazz and Mysticism".

Ann-K is a Norwegian soprano who has studied singing with Gidon Saks, Paul Farrington, Bernhard Raddatz and Anne-Liese Kalhovde. She has been living in Sweden and Germany too.

* Everyone who leaves a comment for this posting, will be "included in the draw" for the CD.
The winner will be announced NEXT Friday.

Where is it possible to hear "new & old jazz" where you are living?

One week later: And the winner is ..... HALCYON at

Thursday 2 February 2012

What USED TO BE a busy market place is now just an open windy space for most of the year.
It received a huge lump of tax money to get very expensive stones to cover up the place.
I don't know what is possible, but some politicians have said that it could be a playground for kids.
They seriously should have asked some creative architects....
So far they have just put up some colorful boxes with some plants in them.
Time and money will show what it might be later in the year.

In the summer season there are people selling souvenirs, sun glasses, bags and t-shirts here.

I wish they had turned it in to a place to sell and buy real Norwegian handmade crafts!:)
Unfortunately, much of what is sold there is imported plastic souvenirs.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Our wonderful little friend STORM, not as a "storm" but resting :)