Saturday 31 December 2011

I passed this empty notice board in town a couple of days ago.
It seemed very symbolic to me, as the clearing away of the old in preparation for the new!

As this is the last day of 2011, I would like to wish you all the very best for 2012.
I look forward to all of your postings and comments in the coming year.

Keep up the good work, and have a happy New Years Eve tonight!

Friday 30 December 2011

Many tourists, even those who travel 1st. class on cruise ships, have been shopping their hand
knittet Norwegian sweaters from FRETEX, a second hand shop run by the Salvation Army.

A good idea!
They are made of wool, and are perfect for the winter season.

Also nice to think that there are people in Germany, Italy, USA, UK, France etc. who actually are wearing these woolen "kofter" that have been knitted by local people here in the area.
If you enlarge the photo, you will see the nice buttons, and even the little FRETEX label inside, with the Biblical words:"Seek and you will find."

The STORM ended without any major problems here in Stavanger. Local ferries stopped for a while, and the big ferry to/from Denmark was also stopped. We have had a beautiful sunny and cold winter day today.

Thursday 29 December 2011

Storm on it`s way today?
Well, it was very windy, as you can see here from the area near the fish market.

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Rogaland Art Centre at "Nytorget" in Stavanger.
I have only been there a couple of times, but I will find out more and give you a look inside later.

Tuesday 27 December 2011

An evening shot at the harbor.
I liked the lines and the bright color.

For news about the STORM, further north in Norway, see Sundays posting and the link.

Monday 26 December 2011

After all the heavy Christmas food, I am looking forward to buying some fresh seafood from one of the boats down at the harbor.

Sunday 25 December 2011

"All I want for Christmas......"
Advertisement at the airport for duty free items.

Well, the place looked very quiet yesterday afternoon.
But tomorrow it will be a very busy day again.

Thanks for presents, e-mail and snail-mail, fb - greetings, even SMS's and some real surprises!
All very nice and much appreciated.

So what was the best (not the most expensive) present you received?

LATER, -an update on the STORM, FURTHER NORTH of Stavanger.
Our city has not been hit by the storm.
Click on the link to see pictures that people have sent in to the newspaper..... pictures and text (English) via Google translate

Saturday 24 December 2011

I hope all of you have a nice Christmas Holiday!

Friday 23 December 2011

Susanne and her brother Simon looked happy, cute and ready for Christmas!:)
I could not resist asking if it was possible to take a photo.
Hope your mum likes the photo!
Merry Christmas!

Thursday 22 December 2011

Inside STING,-the cafe.

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Fog and rain today.....

Tuesday 20 December 2011

More SNOW this afternoon.
Today was a reminder that WINTER is here.

Monday 19 December 2011

This is one of several embroderies I saw at "Cafe Sting" today, and believe me, I was only one of many people who took a second look!:)
JUL is Christmas in Norwegian. JALLA is a word that some use, take a look at this link:
I asked who had made this, but did not get a name, but later I found out more about the project about words that perhaps most of us would never have put up on the wall!
Take a look at this for more information.

(LISE FLØRLI has made this artistic work.)

Sunday 18 December 2011

Obrestad Lighthouse has been "artified".
It was done by the British artist Lucy McLauchlan as a part of Nuart
The walls should have been repainted white, but that was postponed for a year to allow it to be used in cooperation with the artist via Nuart.
My husband doesn't like it, and he is looking forward to the day it is repainted white.
What do you think? Like it, or don't like it?

Saturday 17 December 2011

The International Food Market has been visiting us again, and we have had smells and tastes of products from Southern Europe.
They have really had quite a few struggles inside the big tent, not only heavy rain and storms, but also a fussy Norwegian businessman, who thought they were not paying vat and taxes, since the food was so much cheaper than in ordinary food shops. Customs officers inspected many of the vendors after the complaints and found all of the paperwork to be in perfect order. It just goes to show that food can be cheaper here than a lot of businesses would like.

Friday 16 December 2011

Quite a good view from here.....

Thursday 15 December 2011

Stavanger Universitetssykehus.
Our hospital.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Stavanger Symphony Orchestra together with Silje Nergaard, at the church St.Petri, tonight.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

It is HUGE!
( KL SANDEFJORD is the name.)
Please compare it with the little house to the left.

Monday 12 December 2011

The weather has been very different from day to day.
Today I want to show you another sunny photo from Ullandhaug.

Sunday 11 December 2011

In Norway most shops are closed on Sundays.

But in December we can go Sunday shopping in the big shopping malls from 14:00 to 19:00, and the rest of the week up to 22:00.
Here is one shop, that looks just the same as it did many many years ago when I was living in Denmark. This is a Danish chain that is also found here in Stavanger.

How would you describe the style?
Wherever you are, shopping or not, I hope you will have a good Sunday!

Saturday 10 December 2011

24 bottles of beer (not on the wall), was what a friend got for his advent calendar after he complained about all the small presents their kids got BEFORE Christmas.
Passing these crates reminded me about it.

Friday 9 December 2011

I have just learned that this is called a RAM in English.
Not many farms left in and around Stavanger, but walking around the tower at Ullandhaug, I sometimes see quite a range of animals. These two were ok with having their picture taken!:)

Thursday 8 December 2011

Here is INGER, -the sporty Lady!
Or as she said herself, the "bottle woman."
Well, my friend and I have seen her so many times, she has passed us at a tempo that we can just envy!
But life has not always been like that, after an accident she had to start at zero, and just walking slowly 100 meters was a struggle!! But slowly she has built herself up to someone, who walks FAST, every day, and carrying her water bottles as weights, cheap sports equipment!
She is an inspiration to all of us!

Wednesday 7 December 2011

A perfect day today for a walk around Ullandhaug.
Cold and sunny!:)

(This is only 10 minutes by car from the city centre.)

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Most shops are decorated both inside and outside now.
This is at Breitorget, outside "Lene Interiør".

Monday 5 December 2011

A VERY WINDY afternoon with quite a bit of rain (Saturday)
Yesterday was COLD, and today we got SNOW!:)

Sunday 4 December 2011

Stavanger Yacht Club's members were out sailing near the harbor today.
Many had Father Christmas outfits on, and some of the kids had excited parents who joined the supporter team around the harbor.
A cold day, with a bit of snow in the air.

Saturday 3 December 2011

"Moona Lisa", work by Nick Walker from the UK.
Situated near the harbor here in Stavanger.

Friday 2 December 2011

The Student Society,- FOLKEN, has so many activities for students and every one else who likes concerts, films and social evenings. Take a look at:

Cold and sunny this afternoon!
Still no snow, but it feels like it might be on it`s way soon.

Have a nice weekend!

Thursday 1 December 2011

An interesting wall I saw today.