Thursday 31 March 2011

It is amazing what kids can be organized to do!
I heard the bang-bang-bang sound, and looked up when I came out of the car park.
It was a form of rehearsal before KULTURSKOLEN, see
starts celebrating 50 years of many different cultural activities. So over the next 3 days, these kids will be performing concerts outside this building, which is also a neighbor to the cathedral.
bang-bang-bang. I hope the kids will have a FUN time, no matter what the weather is like.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Have you ever thought about how many trolleys have been stolen and left in all sorts of strange places??

Some months back I saw an art project put together in a book, where people from all over the world had collected photos of these, more or less, destroyed trolleys.

When I passed this corner at "Stavanger Kunstforening" I suddenly saw this bright trolley in front of a sign, directly translated "Art builds up" or perhaps more correctly, "Art develops".

I guess ART is very very different for each one of us!:)

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Sometimes it can be a bit crowded at the harbour!:)

Monday 28 March 2011

The youngest author debutant this year is this man from Stavanger.
ERIK MELING SELE, a 23 year old civil and environmental engineering student at NTNU in Trondheim, who was back in his hometown to promote and celebrate his first book last Thursday.
Those of us who had the chance to be there, received a copy of his book "The Coffin", which you see at the back of him.
He told us that he was inspired by Roald Dahl's short stories.
He wrote this collection of crime stories while he was studying, and taking part in several other activities for the students.
So that is what I will start reading tonight.

What are you reading at the moment?

Sunday 27 March 2011

So where is the SPRING?

Saturday 26 March 2011

Today I meet VILDE, INGA and IDA. They are teenage girls who were around in the city centre together with other people who are involved in a campaign by AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL, and they were out promoting the event in Stavanger.
I had an appointment today, and could not take part, but as always, I was carrying a camera and had the opportunity to take a photo.
And I promissed to put out this link:
The campaign has to do with a situation in Nairobi, where poor people are forced to move out of their homes!
I hope these 3 young girls will keep their enthusiasm, and work, put effort and time in to this and other important cases that they will see in the years to come.

Friday 25 March 2011

A view from the bar / coffee bar at the Sola Beach Hotel.
Yes, it is the SEA, and it is a bit of spring in the air out there.
- Have a nice weekend!

Thursday 24 March 2011

Our little friend, Anna! (age: 3,5 years)
She is so full of energy, lots of FUN, talkative and always curious about LIFE.
She loves her family and lots of friends, and also lots of things.
Pink things are high up on her list.
Anna danced in the park, and if you study the picture, you will see the men playing accordion in the background.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

I was fascinated by the EYELINER.
Quite stylish and color coordinated.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

"Wow, this is really nice" was my first thought when I saw this on my "Design tour" last Friday.

The sculpture is made by a Dutch guy, JOS OTTEN who I have never seen or heard about before. He is a very very talented artist, who is living on a small island that is just a few minutes journey by boat from the city centre here.

Take a look at his web page for even more artistic items.
Info. also in English and Dutch.

Monday 21 March 2011

There were many beautiful items that "caught my eye" at Ledaal, the Royal Mansion in Stavanger last Friday.....

Sunday 20 March 2011

Full moon as seen from Stavanger .
I took this photo a couple of hours ago.

Here is a video showing you how to explore the moon in more detail, via Google Earth.

Saturday 19 March 2011

A sign of LOVE.
( Or a place to stay for the night?)

Friday 18 March 2011

Over night we got more snow!
Not that much, but I have to say that yesterday had the feeling of spring (or autumn) but today it was back to winter.

This is Ledaal, a Royal Mansion, that I visited today together with many other people who got a guided tour from the architect who is in charge of keeping the place maintained in accordance with the original period and style of the building.

Thursday 17 March 2011

A photo from todays walk.
When I pass a bench, my thoughts very often go to "A Bunch of Benches".
A blog, created and collected by VP. in Livorno / Italy.
Do take a look:)

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Look at who was looking at me when I was out shopping for food this afternoon.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Houses, photographed a few days back.
Now most of the snow has melted.

Monday 14 March 2011

Unusual street art. Someone obviously has a talent.

Sunday 13 March 2011

Did you know that we have missionaries here in Stavanger??
Well these two young men, the one with the glasses came from Utah/USA and the other one from Canada, wanted to have a chat when I was in a rush to an appointment in the city centre.
I didn't have much time for them or the unique message that they wanted to share.
Anyway, I have not met many missionaries here.
I thought they mainly went to Africa.

Saturday 12 March 2011

Another image from yesterdays walk early in the morning.
This place is only 5-10 minutes from the city centre by car.

While there walking out in the snow..... my iphone received a "CNN breaking news", about the disaster happening in Japan. Since then many of my thoughts have had something to do with the country that I have only visited once in my life, and to fellow bloggers like Nori in Hiroshima and Anna in Utsunomiya.
My condolences go to the Japanese people.

Friday 11 March 2011

More snow today.
This is JOHN and his dog MISTY.
They are from Virginia (USA) but are now living in Norway, where his wife is working for NATO.
In Stavanger there is quite a big International group of employees working at the same place.
We meet during a walk this morning.

Thursday 10 March 2011

A window on a corner.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

The Stavanger Museum is the main one, but we have several other interesting museums named MUST (MUseums STavanger).
As a child I went there with my dad, and with the school.
As an adult I have to admit it was the exhibition in 2008 I will remember: see link here
Take a look at all the 12 photos.
The picture of the buildings are from this afternoon.
We have had snow, rain and sunshine today!:)

Tuesday 8 March 2011

I felt so welcome when I entered "Godt Brød" at Eiganes, yesterday morning. (An ecological cafe and bakery.)
Karen who is a young Stavanger woman was busy working, but I got both coffee, something healthy and something not sooooo healthy, but very tasty. It is nice to have something good in a friendly , cosy, warm place with that wonderful smell of freshly baked products.

Monday 7 March 2011

This morning I just passed this cantine where some of the people in the building have lunch.
Looks nice with all the space, and also all the light coming in through the windows.

Sunday 6 March 2011

The World Ski Championship has sent hours of direct TV and updates from Oslo over the last 11 days, where skiers from many countries have been competing for medals and to become famous and rich. PETTER NORTHUG (seen on the big screen in the photo) was the Norwegian skier who won the most gold and silver medals! More info. from
Many workplaces have noticed an increase in internet activity during the working day since the games began.
Quite a lot of places have put up big screens, like here at the airport.
Even the Norwegian Government had a break to watch the championship on the TV today.
Take a look here (our foreign minister to the left. our PM sitting next to the woman in a red jumper.)

Saturday 5 March 2011

Do you think this man would say YES to paying 5 kr. for a kiss on the cheek from this "bride to be" in the blue dress?
I popped in to Kvadrat (Norways biggest shopping mall ) for a couple of things today, and there were several people (both young men and women that are about to get married) who had been forced out by their friends to do crazy and embarrassing things in front of strangers. All documented, photographed and videoed by their close friends....... and part of being prepared for the wedding:)

Friday 4 March 2011

Lots of windows seen in a window.
Have a nice weekend everyone!

Thursday 3 March 2011

This is not a Norwegian attempt at building a copy of the Eiffel tower.

It is easy to spot while driving on the motorway ( E39) in to the city centre.
ULLRIGG is the name, it is a rig used for testing drilling technology and training.
I have never been invited to see inside, but if they do ever have an open day I will be there.
But now I know someone who is working there, so I suddenly got an interest for the company, and our city is also the "oil capital" of Norway.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

This is a nice place for walks. And even on a grey day you can see many young and old women out with their babies around Mosvannet.
One thing I seriously don`t understand is WHY do they all choose BLACK ?
Where are all the colors, the individuality and cheerfulness with colors?
I once heard Tove Steinbo, who is an expert on colors, saying that seeing mums in a cafe, all wearing black must have some influence on their kids who are surrounded with so little colors.
Seriously, when I see a happy and colorful mum..... I will grab my camera..... and take a photo!:)

Tuesday 1 March 2011

My blog reflects my city the way I see it through my eyes via my cameras.
Today I discovered this decorated wall, near to a busy road and lots of beautiful old villas....
I don't know the artist, nor why he or she created this, but it made me stop.