The Stavanger Museum is the main one, but we have several other interesting museums named MUST (MUseums STavanger).
As a child I went there with my dad, and with the school.
As an adult I have to admit it was the exhibition in 2008 I will remember: see link here
Take a look at all the 12 photos.
The picture of the buildings are from this afternoon.
We have had snow, rain and sunshine today!:)
Ah, now I know why you ask viewers to look at all the 12 photos. I did and I pass the test. Kind of breezy.
MUST is a good name...
And in Danish as an answer to a question at my blog:
Vand koster 3 øre i Danmark, hvis det kommer ud af hanen i køkkenet. men mange køber vand fyldt på plastikflasker i Danmark, hvilket er helt unødvendigt. Det er alt for dyrt, ofte mindst 5 kr. for en stor flaske af det billigste. Sodavand koster mest i plastflasker - men alt for lidt, når man tænker på, hvor usundt det er med for stort sukkerindhold. Jo større flaske jo højere afgift, synes jeg. Jeg ser din påpegning af prisers relativitet, og her tager vi oftere toget end tidligere, men som pensionister er der også bedre tid til det.
Hi Gunn, i love museums and it remembered my on childhood. The them like you!
The weather in Berlin is a bit milder and on the weekend the temperature comes to 15 Grad...yeah! Greetigs:)
Interesting museum, but almost uneventful until the last shot!
Well, I should have known that Jack would see all 12... breezy indeed!
Snow, rain and sunshine all in one day! Hope that you get lots of sunshine for the rest of the week!
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