Monday 1 February 2010

WOOD is this months theme days challenge, and you can see what others have chosen here: Click here to view thumbnails for all participants
WOOD is the material most houses are made of in Norway.
Today I will show you a house, that is kept in its original style, and called "Jærhus". There are only approximately 100 left in the area. One of the most typical thing is the way it is built on both sides. It was to protect against the wind, and was also a storage place.


Chuck Pefley said...

Looks cozy in the snow. I'd be happy to live in this good looking house!

Carraol said...

Interesting architecture, I guess the design of the roof is to avoid the weight of the snow, isn't it? Great composition, perfect for this theme! Warm greetings from Mexico.

B SQUARED said...

Looks like 'form following function.'

Leif Hagen said...

A handsome, charming, WOODEN house! Veldigt bra gjort, Gunn!

Lowell said...

It is quite why did they quit making this type of house? It would seem to suit the landscape and weather well.

But it looks rather all alone out in a large expanse...

Andreea said...

It looks really interesting, I've never seen something like it before. Nice composition, I like the frozen landscape.

Julie said...

very pretty portrait of this style. thanks for sharing

Unknown said...

Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. Now I am visiting you and will be back often. you have a very nice blog.

It seems to me that a disproportionate number of good photo blogs are done by Norwegians. Maybe that is what happens when intelligent people are confined to snow bound cabins for a long winter.

James Mark said...

Sharp, clear, clean … very nice.

Anonymous said...

I would love to build a house just like this. The storage space alone makes it super attractive!

cieldequimper said...

That's my dream home for a week! ;-)

jennyfreckles said...

Such an attractive house - I'd love to see inside. I bet it's really cosy, with a wood-burning stove.

Rob Siemann said...

They build houses here against the heat. This means that, unfortunately, they're real fridges during winter

Three Rivers, Michigan said...

The "wings" to the sides of the Jærhus are interesting, my first thought was 'a perfect p[lace to put firewood!'

Very interesting, thank you.

Three Rivers Daily Photo

Kaori said...

Wonderful photo for the theme! The shape of this house is very interesting. I'm sure they need all the protection from the wind as they can get :)

VP said...

I am amazed how these wooden structures can withstand this kind of weather and the snow, probably even better than modern ones. A very good choice for this theme day.

Hilda said...

This is the first time I've seen a house with those wings. Very practical.

Jilly said...

What an interesting shaped house with those sort of wings. I see that would protect from wind. A lovely shot of it too.

Rob said...

Interesting textures and pattern on the roof.

Halcyon said...

Lovely choice for the theme day.

Unknown said...

This is such a lovely house and photo too! Great entry, Gunn!