Friday 26 February 2010

We were both out for a walk this morning....


B SQUARED said...

I hope you were dressed as warmly as he is.

James Mark said...

An amiaowsing picture. That's some tail!

Gabriele said...

So cute! Have a nice weekend...:-)

Leeds daily photo said...

Now thats a fine looking cat, happy to pose for you too! Very bushy tail.
Leeds in Yorkshire daily photo

Kate said...

Her expression is great, and I like the way you photographed here on the left side of the frame.

Lowell said...

What a sweetie! And that is one heck of a tail. Is this your feline?

Yvi said...


What a wonderful cat!
Is it yours?


John said...

And did you get out of her way; she didn't look as if she was moving for you.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

A cat crossed with a squirrel!

VP said...

What a tail, look at the pose, this is elegance! I like the way you framed this picture.

Anonymous said...

Love that fancy plume of a tail! I think that's a breed we call Norwegian Forest Cat.

Clueless in Boston said...

I like the composition and contrast of the snow and the dark cat. Her tail is gorgeous.

cieldequimper said...

Lovely framing. I can't help to hum "bushy bushy blonde hairdo, surfin' USA"...

Unknown said...

Fabulous composition and the cat is gorgeous!
I see temperature is now above 0ºC over there! :-)

Gunn said...

I do not have a cat or a dog at the moment. But I have been surrounded by cats and dogs (all Labrador Retriever's) over the years.
But perhaps my husband and I will get a dog later??
I am covering up in woolen clothes and proper winter clothes!:-)
Ten weeks with snow so far.
This is probably, as Renee wrote, a Norwegian Forest Cat.
It was a big cat, and the tail was huge!:-)

Stefan Jansson said...

That's a cool cat.

amatamari© said...

Magnificent shot!

Mo said...

A fabulous picture.

Rob Siemann said...

Well, the cat's got a nice warm fur coat...

Andreea said...

:) Really cute. Great framing

Chin said...

Lovely cat.

Cezar and Léia said...

ohmigod, outstanding shot!
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