Sunday 21 February 2010

As I told you yesterday, we got more snow.
This is what it looked like this afternoon, driving out in the country side, just south of Stavanger.


jennyfreckles said...

That's a beautiful picture, Gunn. We had more snow today too, but not like this.

Stefan Jansson said...

Looks a bit cold. We had sunshine this morning for a few hours, but when decided to go for a walk it looked more like on this photo.

Al said...

Beautiful scene, but I bet you are ready for spring to arrive, correct?

Lowell said...

Omigod! Yes, it is beautiful but it looks oh so cold! The wind must have been blowing, too. We finally got some nice weather; 77 degrees and sunny today! Like Florida is supposed to be!

Leif Hagen said...

Uff da! Were you riding on a reindeer?
: - )

John said...

It's been a long cold winter, but I guess you guys are used to it.

Gunn said...

Well Leif, on cold days I leave the Reindeer in a nice warm garage and use the car... To Al and John: This is week 10 with snow, and although we are used to winters with snow, it IS UNUSUAL with snow for such a long period of time. This part of Norway usually has quite mild winters.
Every time I think the snow starts melting, we soon receive more snow!:-) Pretty, but now I look forward to the spring.

VP said...

It looks like desolation road to nowhere! But spring can't be too far, just see this as one of the last ops for some fresh snow pictures like this one.

Carraol said...

Beautiful in its desolation mood, looks cold but impressive, worth to be there feeling and living it, with the proper outfit of course. Greetings from Mexico.

Yvi said...

Good morning,

it looks very cold, but a great shot!


Gabriele said...

Hi Gunn,

great shot, great colors!
The Weather in Berlin is now a bit better.
It's cold but no new snow.

Greetings from Berlin

Three Rivers, Michigan said...

This is a beautiful shot but it makes me glad that I am not driving on that road!
Three Rivers Daily Photo

Andreea said...

What a beautiful shot, wow! The landscape looks amazing even though I would prefer to admire it from the inside of a building.