Wednesday 10 February 2010

The SALES are still on.
Now the prices are as low as -70 % !
This is a window I passed in Kirkegaten.
I liked the simple STYLE.


Lowell said...

Sometimes less is more. Very effective window that catches the eye!

Leif Hagen said...

Is the mannequin for sale?

Gunn said...

No Leif, only the arms. ;-)

James Mark said...

Never mind the dummy, look at that chandelier.

Gabriele said...

Hi Gunn,

thanks for your mail!

I made the last 3 weeks none posts. The weather is so catastrophically in Berlin which I away exactly everyone consider itself. The roads are so icy which one hardly run can. That can be done now already for 7 weeks in such a way. It is the worst winter for 30 years in Berlin. How is it in Stavanger with the weather? Tomorrow the Berlinale begins in Berlin...I hope i can shot some photos.
( I translate it with Babel Fish)

Greetings from Berlin

Chuck Pefley said...

well, no wonder the prices are marked down ... there are no arms included. I wouldn't pay full price either!

Laurent said...

Sorry but you won't have a spring feeling in Paris tomorrow. You should keep your Norvegian outfits for the weekend. Have a great time !

VP said...

What a sad mannequin, but it is perfect for this composition. A very simple and effective display, the chandelier is wonderful!

Mo said...

Ooh this is when I love to shop

Anonymous said...

It is a big reminder that I used to work in "window display" as a summer time job before I was 16 years old. It is a beautiful picture and one used with authority for the sale. People will stop and look. And that is the point.

Thanks for stopping at my Brookville Blog and for the nice compliment you gave me.

Anonymous said...

great use of light

B SQUARED said...

What's she selling?

Halcyon said...

They sold so much, she had nothing left to wear!

cieldequimper said...

Oh my, she's sold EVERYTHING.

Rob Siemann said...

Oh yes, very cool. It promises everything, at nothing. It makes your imagination work, close your eyes and you can see colorful and warm clothes on the mannequin...