Saturday 20 February 2010

This photo was taken this afternoon from Grasholmen, one of the islands in Stavanger.
It is the first of several islands we get to when using the big city bridge.
And the view is towards the city centre.
It is still cold, and a few hours later it started SNOWING again.
And it is still SNOWING.....


Lowell said...

This is a gorgeous sight! Love boats and water. But why isn't the water frozen? Do you not get that cold there?

Hilda said...

This part of the city looks so pretty and peaceful, especially when compared to the busy and dense center that you pointed out. I like the balconies of the buildings on the left.

gogouci said...

This scene brings on a nice sense of calmness.

VP said...

I second Jacob on boats and water, this would be one of my favorite spots, when it isn't snowing...

Mo said...

Seems we are in for a bit more of the white stuff here too.

cieldequimper said...

I'll take this spot even with snow! Have a great Sunday!

days of dee tresna said...

it's so beautiful, thank you for sharing with us
considering no snow ever showered here, i would like it more if you publish this with snow

thank you
simple 'hi' from indonesia

Unknown said...

So calm and beautiful! A total contrast to what I've posted today...

Birdman said...

I agree... boats lying wait and snow??? Seem not to want to go together. Love the blue/gray colors here.

James Mark said...

Cold tranquillity. Like it.