Jæren, is the name of the area south of Stavanger.
I love the open flat landscape, the coast and the colors.
Yesterday, it was a bit difficult to drive, due to the wind and snow.
But I still found it very beautiful...... as so many times before.
Stavanger is the fourth biggest city in Norway. It is situated on the southwest coast. My aim is to try to capture something from every day, from the area nearby too, and when I am not at home I will still try to put up a photo from my archive. Welcome back for another look.
Thank you for your Mail!
Gunn can you talk German? I am surprised!
Can I write to you in German next time?
Leif from Eagan Daily Photo can talk German too.
What kind of animals are in the picture...horses?
Great photo!
Nice landscape...
Another gorgeous shot. Are those horses wild?
Ich kann auch Deutsch!
Sind diese Tiere Pferde? Schoenes Foto!
Ich verstehe mehr, als ich Deutsch schreiben können ....
Jeden Monat kaufe ich die Zeitschrift "Brigitte ....."
Feine Fotografie und interessante Artikel.
So Grace, Yvi, Halcyon.... you can use German :-)
Oh my, that's a great photo, a dreamy landscape!
Dreamy indeed. That's were snow should be - in the fields.
It is truly beautiful. But those poor horses!
So quiet, beautiful, blue, cold.
It is most beautiful.
One of your best images lately, a great landscape. As a horse I'd like more jacob's Ocala...
Looks more like Alaska at the moment
Similar to my shot from Stavanger http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_QjxO68_ZB3M/S2CB9aZCb2I/AAAAAAAAJGI/R5W25uhFvIo/s1600-h/IMG_4239.JPG
In reply to your question - My son lives in Stavanger and we visit often
This looks like it could have been taken by Eric at Elko Daily Photo. Who would have imagined it?
The colors are beautiful and the landscape with horses looks wild and remote. Lovely.
Three Rivers Daily Photo
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