Tuesday 23 February 2010

I think the horses from yesterdays photo belonged to a nearby farm.
We have riding schools in and outside Stavanger.
Many (mostly teenage) girls spend hours in the stables, and some have their own horse.
I was thinking that it is very rare to see horses out in the streets, like I have seen so many times in the UK..... and then suddenly I met this young girl with the horse, in a residential area a 10 minute drive from the city centre....


Yvi said...


it looks like, that they love each other!


nobu said...

I agree with Yvi, they looks nice friends.

Unseen Rajasthan said...

They both care for each other !! nice

VP said...

Very nice picture, this is a lucky girl. I don't know much about horses, but I think this is quite common even here, obviously for the better offs.

John said...

Love that Monday post.

Gabriele said...

Hi Gunn,
thank you fo your answer...about the horses.
Today the snow comes back to Berlin ...never ending story! Greetings from Berlin

Anonymous said...

Our police use horses for transportation and patrol in our downtown streets. Of course they also travel by car too, but often they can go through crowded areas much more easily on horseback.

Three Rivers, Michigan said...

Oh cute. Here there are street signs for horse owners: "Pick up after your animal". I guess the rider is supposed to carry a shovel!
Three Rivers Daily Photo