Thursday 3 September 2009

A statue in Stavanger.
Seriously, I didn't take any notice of this statue until one day some years back, when I saw several foreign sailors lined up around it, who were going to have a group photo taken.
I must have been asleep at school!? But now I know the story behind it, and the best way to let you get the information  is to follow this link


Lowell said...

That's fascinating, Gunn. I can't figure out what he did for Stavanger or Norway, though, other than get born there.

But, hey, some people think Elvis was a hero! ;-))

Gunn said...

Well, I think you are right Jacob,..... but the statue is still here ;-)
Whoever made the statue, probably earned good money out of him.

EG CameraGirl said...

Being considered the architect of the Russian navy is quite an accomplishment so I'm not surprised someone wanted this fellow to be remembered. I like statues such as this because it shows how people dressed and carried themselves back then.

Leif Hagen said...

Hello Admiral - it's nice to meet you! Handsome sculpture and a nice photo! God helg hilsen fra Hagen

B SQUARED said...

Fascinating stuff!

VP said...

I think it is right that a city honors a famous son, even if he accomplished nothing at home. The statue is very good and I like it.

Unseen Rajasthan said...

This is so beautiful and lovely statue !! Thanks for sharing..Unseen Rajasthan