Sunday 27 September 2009

Norwegian child labor.
Forget sending them up chimneys and so on, here we use them as pilots!

This is Mariéll age 10 and Hedda age 11 who were on their way to Oslo.
Okay, I took this photo inside the 737 Simulator at the "Historical Aviation Museum" near the airport.
Great excitement no matter what age.

In the summer the museum is open every day. The rest of the year it is open for the public on Sundays.
Companies sometimes use it for part of their team-building courses.

This is also Stavanger Daily Photo's 100th posting


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 100th post! Keep up the good work;-)

Leif Hagen said...

Grattis, Gunn, med 100 fotos pa bloggen din! I have airplanes on my blog today, too! Hilsen fra Hagen

Eki said...

it definitely is! my son would love it as is his father!

congrats on your 100th post. and here's to many, many more ...!

CDPB is wonderful, isn't it?

valeria said...

Wow! I'd love to try this simulator, it must be really exciting!
Thank you for your comment on my blog. Ciao from Verona

Leeds daily photo said...

You had me fooled for a minute, thought this was a real cockpit photo.
Thanks for dropping by and commenting on my Leeds daily photo blog.

Lowell said...

Could have fooled me! Start 'em young! They may grow up to be airline pilots!

gogouci said...

You had me fooled for the first few lines of your post. It looks soooo real. Come to think of it, the video game playing generation may be pretty good at flying.

Bergson said...

a nice toy for kids and parents

VP said...

My compliments for the 100th post, a very good one too.

Priyanka Khot said...

Congratulations on the 100th post!

This sounds exciting. I will try and find if they have a similar facility in Delhi.

Thanks for your comment. Delhi awaits your return!

Unseen Rajasthan said...

Congratulations on the 100th Post !!Unseen Rajasthan

John said...

I bet they loved it!

Mo said...

Come to aglimpseoflondon today.

B SQUARED said...

I find children have many practical uses, as well.

JL LEAL said...

Congratulations on your 100th post!
and to encourage all the 200

Stefan Jansson said...

I have never been in a flight simulator but I have seen a Mythbuster show where Adam and Jamie crashed!

Congrats on 100 posts. I will be celebrating 1300 posts in a few days time!

AC Williams said...

Congratulations on #100. You do some fantastic work.

b.c. said...

i agree, it looks like a fun thing to do indeed no matter what age :)))

Congratulations on your 100th post and am looking forward to all that is to come!