The "Norwegian Parliamentary Election 2009" is happening on Monday. This particular election happens every 4th. year.
I have not made up my mind yet who I will vote for, so I guess I have a lot of thinking to do over the next two days. There were lots of stands in town today, and lots of enthusiastic politicians who were giving out brochures and trying to find out who people were going to vote for.
The blue tent belonged to Høyre (Conservative), and the young man holds a brochure with a photo of their candidate for prime minister.... in case they do very well in the election.
We will probably know the result early Tuesday morning.
My husband says that I should vote for whichever party advocates funding research into improving memory. This is based on the ground that there might be a better chance of them actually remembering what it was that they promised "before" the election.
More about the election you can read on this link:
In my city and country we will have legeslativ elections too in the end of this month. I have a sister who live in your country in a soul city, Arendal.
I like your photo and blog too.
I will follow your blog.
If you have time you can visit my blog
Paulo Camacho
Your husband is a clever man!
I agree with your husband. Although I doubt there will ever be cure for politicianal memory loss (I just made up that word, "politicianal," but hey, it works!)
Look at this toothy guy. Everyone's all smiles when they need your vote; but afterward, forget it!
I think your husband is right! HA They ALL forget what they blathered during the campaign, no matter where you live.
Like Paulo said, we will vote on the 27th.
Election time is always interesting, and can bring out the worst possible traits in people. I personally always vote for the underdog, because even if they don't win, at least they have entered the race for the right reasons (vast and varied those reasons may be!) and truly want to make a positive change. Good luck with your decision.
Your husband's comment made me laugh. Not something I usually do when reading about politics!
Your husband is a wise man, but that kind of research id hopeless...
Not sure I'd vote for a party whose helpers have such cheesy grins.
Well, I think pretty much ALL politicians now smile at people like this.
I think it is compulsory.
But this young man was a nice guy, who obviously knew what he was representing. His party as well as most other political parties have things that are interesting. I guess, I will not find THE party who I fully agree with. It has more to do with what has happened over the last four years, and who represents what I think is important in the coming years.....
It will be a close race I think between the left and right.
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