Josephines cafe, is in an old building in Stavanger. Several informal business meetings take place here. Ok food and coffees to an ok price for most people.
Stavanger is the fourth biggest city in Norway. It is situated on the southwest coast. My aim is to try to capture something from every day, from the area nearby too, and when I am not at home I will still try to put up a photo from my archive. Welcome back for another look.
OK coffee and food at an OK price? I want great coffee and food at an OK price!
That Jacob from Ocala daily, he's always picking on someone half his age!
OK Leif, than I will say "Nice coffee and food at an ok price"....
Det er sikkert en litt bedre formulering?
The place is ok, But they do not have a huge variety of coffees and food,
God natt.
Jeg gleder meg til å lese kommentarer fra både deg og Jacob. ;-)
Okay is pretty good these days. Not too often do we find coffee and food that is extraordinarily good.
Interesting building and a lovely photo!
I like the building, the color is unusual, I trust you about coffee and food.
Sounds like Josepnine needs to kick it up a notch.
I love the photos, so nice.
Hi Gunn, thank you for your comment on my blog.
I hope you enjoy your trip to berlin last weekend?! Was that your first time?
Today it was sunny again but tomorrow ...i think its over.
Sorry about my english...it is not perfekt!
Greetings from Berlin:-)
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