Monday 22 July 2013


Buddha has become more and more common as a decoration in homes and gardens.


everydaybergen said...

It is crazy, Buddha like a decoration.

Revrunner said...

Who knew that the Buddha and St. Francis had so much in common. :-)

Michelle said...

I think it evokes peace for many.

Jack said...

I have seen this, too. It is odd. Many of the people who have a Buddha statue in the garden probably know very little about Buddha or Buddhism. Maybe the statue is associated with serenity and that is what appeals.

Halcyon said...

He's nice looking! :)

Lowell said...

Very interesting. Is Buddha becoming more common because of renewed interest in the religious tradition or just because Buddha makes a nice garden figure?

Birdman said...


VP said...

I agree with Jack. I am not sure that Buddha would be happy to be used as a lawn gnome...

Gunn said...

Today there are more and more people who search for peace- decorate in a Zen style, and also find what they are looking for in religions other than just Christianity.