Tuesday 9 July 2013


He was eating straight out of the bin..... outside one of the big hotels in the city centre.
There are also people who are less fortunate here. Life is NOT always good to everyone in Stavanger.


wilf said...

Sad but is true...seeing people searching through bins for food here too....

martinealison said...

Bien triste réalité que celle de la vie parfois...
Gros bisous

Pierre BOYER said...

Sad reality everywhere through the world....


everydaybergen said...

Sad, so sad.

Babzy.B said...

crisis is everywhere , very sad ...

PerthDailyPhoto said...

You wonder how it comes to this oui? Very sad.

Unknown said...

Unfortunatelly it also happens here. So sad and revolting when we think of all the reasons that led our world to such horror.

Stefan Jansson said...

How horrible. I noticed a beggar outside my grocery store in Tungelsta this week. That has never happened before. Some poor person from Eastern Europe somewhere.

Karl said...

Really sad...