Tuesday 16 July 2013

Ib from Fyn.

This is Ib, from Fyn in Denmark.

He has been working as a carpenter for Norwegian companies for many years, the last four years he has been in the Stavanger area.

He looked like he enjoyed his little break with food in the car, together with his colleague, before continuing his work on a roof.

We have many Danish people coming to Stavanger for work.
Nurses, pre-school teachers as well as for the hotels and shops.


TheChieftess said...

Denmark is one expensive place to live!!! Such high taxes...I take it Norway's taxes aren't so high???

Michelle said...

He looks like a happy fellow.

Lowell said...

Interesting face! So, what's wrong with Denmark? No jobs?

SimTech said...

Nice portrait, interesting perspective.

Gunn said...

I know there are more people who are unemployed in Denmark. Here we have more jobs, the salary might be a bit better, but if nurses take jobs here they get a good lump of money, a good flat owned by the hospital and some good tax deals. The tax situation in Denmark I don't know so much about, but one thing is for sure, food and living costs are more expensive here than in Denmark. Buying your first flat/house in Stavanger costs more here than other places in Norway.