Friday, 5 April 2013

Another great morning.
I am out for a walk......


Merisi said...

Intriguing picture!

I dare not guess. ;-)

John said...

Great natural pattern

TheChieftess said...

Interesting texture and pattern!!!

Michelle said...

Very interesting.

Pierre BOYER said...

Interesting picture....


everydaybergen said...

Interesting. Greetings from Bergen

Babzy.B said...

beautiful colours and pattern :)

Gerald (SK14) said...

intriguing - is that sand?

LOLfromPasa said...

Doesn't that look fascinating. My guess is that it is very cold under foot :). Thank you for visiting me in Coventry.

Marty said...

Very strange and beautiful

Unknown said...

This is amazing! What great artist nature is!

Lowell said...

Looks like a bunch of fried eggs in one great big pan! :)

Re your question on Ocala: Nope, I didn't buy anything at the antique shop! Just about everything there came from my younger years!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

So happy that the weather is getting more enjoyable for you over there Gunn, it's been a long cold winter oui! Love the effect in this image.

VP said...

An amazing picture, just to begin the walk...

Pierre BOYER said...

On the moon ???
Or mars ?????
Best regards,
