Thursday, 31 December 2009
Wednesday, 30 December 2009

If you click on "labels-trees" under this text, you will see the same tree taken from the other side at other times of the year.
To the left is the Culture House with the cinema, library, cafés etc.
That is where I am off to this evening to watch a film......
This shot was taken yesterday afternoon, around 16:15.
Monday, 28 December 2009
Sunday, 27 December 2009

LEFSE is what we call this type of traditional Norwegian food. I was just using "google" and found so many links and even "You Tube" films about how to make them. I would recommend Googling "Lefse" if you are interested in finding out more.
I have not been brought up with a mother or grandmother who has taught me about traditional food, but luckily there are plenty of places to buy LEFSE.
Friday, 25 December 2009
Thursday, 24 December 2009
Wednesday, 23 December 2009

The sign says; "Beware of snow falling from the roof"....It is still cold, but most people do not seem to be that bothered.
This is SEAN, a Norwegian guy who is also half Irish.
He played classical guitar so beautifully, and it is a long time since I have heard such nice music in the streets!! He should have been sponsored by the city council!!
I asked if he was working as a musician, and he told me that he is a music teacher at a private school. Good luck Sean!
Men at work,
Monday, 21 December 2009

A BIG "Thank You" to Mr. Falck who secured the path outside where he is living, so us passers by didn't fall over on the snow and ice.
It was quite chaotic in town, and the traffic was slow and for some, quite nerve racking!
Today I enjoyed being a relaxed passenger on the bus, even the fact that it was crowded and took an awful long time to reach the centre of the city.
Saturday, 19 December 2009

It looks like it will continue snowing, and that Stavanger will have a white Christmas, it is 13 years since last that happened.
Friday, 18 December 2009

You can see the awards in the window, together with a nice creative decorated window.
When I want to treat myself with something nice, this is the place I go to buy some luxury products for the bath (thanks to Jackie, my English friend, who also likes their products, and who has sometimes given me some really nice presents from the same chain).
Many shops have an "anonymous" shopper visiting their shop, and the shop who receives the highest scores wins.
Thursday, 17 December 2009
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Monday, 14 December 2009
Sunday, 13 December 2009

When I saw one busy, early Sunday morning, I thought I should change my attitude..... they do a tremendous job, when most of us are not even thinking of getting up, or going to work!
I used their webpage this afternoon, (written on the vehicle), I looked at the film/photos also from the winter/snow season..... and I realized that we would probably not have managed very well without them!
Saturday, 12 December 2009

I have found out that the newspaper/media house, (where the gingerbread houses are on display), will give 200 Norwegian kroner for each house they have received for the exhibition, to the Salvation Army. That will be 34.200 Norwegian kroner
The first prize winner will receive a voucher for 2000 kroner, 2. prize is a voucher for 1000 kroner and 3. prize is a voucher for 500 kroner. (To Vogon; I have sent an e-mail to the newspaper asking your previous question, so I will let you know, hopefully after the weekend.)
Todays house I thought was quite sweet and cute....
I know a little "princess" that probably would have loved to have this in her house...
Friday, 11 December 2009

This is the house I voted for... ( quite a few more could have got my vote too.)
I guess the creator of the most popular house will receive a prize.
Anyway, so many individuals, families, friends, colleges, kindergartens, etc. have made ginger bread buildings and then delivered them to the newspaper/media house where they are now on display.
Thursday, 10 December 2009

Wednesday, 9 December 2009
Tuesday, 8 December 2009

This is a famous window where they for years have had Christmas decorations that most kids in Stavanger have stopped and squeezed their faces to the window to see. Either the snoring Father Christmas, or this Father Christmas banging his walking stick on the window!!
Thanks to "HAUGE på torget", a mens clothing shop near the market place.
Sunday, 6 December 2009

BARBIE, is probably the most international doll ever. She is now celebrating her 50th. birthday!! Until the end of 2009, it is still possible to see 70 of Sidsel Grue's huge collection of Barbie dolls, and dress up in beautiful evening dresses at the Norwegian childrens museum in Stavanger.
I only had ONE Barbie doll, but as long as my favorite doll, Carina, was with me I was ok! ;-)
Perhaps you had a Barbie doll? And perhaps your city celebrated her birthday too??
I am really impressed about our childrens museum.
Here is the link:
Friday, 4 December 2009

Congratulations to the owner of "Den Lille Engleverden",( The Little world of Angels) a new shop that opened with unique handmade angels made of materials that might have previously been a tablecloth or clothes etc. that were no longer in use.
Here the customer can bring nice memories from materials that can be turned in to a very special angel..... The shop is unique, very delicate and creative, even the roof is made to look like a blue sky..
It is situated in a small but tall building at Østervåg number 45.
I met the owner late last night, when I was out taking a few nightshots. She obviously had had a very busy time before today's opening.
(Some people decorate their homes with "angles", and some seriously believe in angels, like the daughter of the King and Queen in Norway. See the link :
Some call it a new trend/New Age)
Thursday, 3 December 2009

It is a long way from Peru to Norway.
This is YOMIRA ( 13 years old ) from Ayacucho in Peru, photographed between Solveig and Norman, some of her Norwegian friends who had a look at an exhibition that I will show you more photos from later.
Anyway, Yomira is visiting her aunt who is married and living here. I am sure that she will have lots of memories and perhaps even picked up some Norwegian words and phrases after staying here for three months. I can`t speak Spanish, but Norman sounded like he was used to the language and will probably make progress quickly.
Tuesday, 1 December 2009

A snapshot while WAITING...
This is the first time I have participated in a theme day.
Others who do the same: Click here to view thumbnails for all participants
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