Yesterday afternoon I got a glimpse of Tour des Fjords.
It is an annual bicycle race between the cities Bergen and Stavanger,
here on the western part of Norway.
What a number of motorbikes, (some with camera people!!), police, ambulances, cars with bicycles on the roofs, helicopter flying low, and all the people watching along the route. It is a huge event that goes over several days. Do take a look at: www.tourdesfjords.no
The weather was perfect!
Alexander Kristoff (from Stavanger) won, as he also did in 2014.
Last year it was Marco Haller (from Austria) who won.
They are both representing Team Kathusha from Russia.
This is a great photo.
Bicycle tours are very popular these days, aren't they?
Nice shot! You wait to see them and then they go by in a blur :)
Preciosa imagen de los ciclistas, precisamente en estos días se desarrolla en España la vuelta ciclista.
I imagine that would be grueling.
Love the strong colours the cyclists are wearing. Looks like it is a popular race.
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