Thursday 20 March 2014

Bowling tonight.

I went bowling tonight, a crash course before the BIG event at the weekend!:)

Quite a nice thing to do on a rainy evening.


William Kendall said...

I've done that once or twice, when I was a kid, but not since. Nice capture of the alley!


Soo fun! I love those colors. I'm sure it was a great time out:)

Jack said...

It has been several years since I went bowling. But, I have noticed that some have become much livelier, with colored lights and loud music. The blue light in your photo makes me think that your bowling alley is one of the lively ones.

cieldequimper said...

I've never been bowling but now I want to!

Hilda said...

Gosh, I haven't gone bowling in years!

Love the colorful balls.