Monday 17 March 2014

Money - money...

The currency in Norway is Norwegian Krone, and it is not always easy for foreigners to understand WHY they still can`t pay in Euro`s so many places in Norway, which of course is a part of Europe.

Norway is NOT a member of the EU.

For more information about our KRONE, please take a look at


hamilton said...

The colours are distinctive and bold. Our money has now been changed to polymer instead of cotton and it is not a popular change! The bills are very slippery (and can fall out of your pocket so easily for one thing!)

Jack said...

Your currency is quite pretty, though.

I encountered a similar problem in Hungary. We arrived on a Sunday at the end of a cruise, and Hungary has its own currency. We didn't have any and it was impossible to find ATMs, so we spent very little money before departing the next day.

William Kendall said...

It appears some of the same security features on our currency turns up in yours.

Lois Evensen said...

And, very pretty money it is. ;) I remember the years we were paid in Krone because we were on board a Norwegian flagged ship at the time.

SimTech said...

I looked up "hamiltons" comment, I never knew that that cotton or polymers were used in the paper..
I don't use have money long enough to look at it!
Learn something new every day.

Lowell said...

It gets confusing sometimes. Your money reminds me a bit of military scrip which we were issued to use on military installations.

Halcyon said...

I haven't been to Norway yet, but I imagine it is annoying for tourists who are used to the euro. THey can get over it though!