Monday, 18 February 2013

Nearly 100 years old.

(I can`t tell you the story about this house, but perhaps someone else in Stavanger recognize it.
Anyway, we have had a foggy rainy day, so I am just putting out an image with the BLUE sky that I have missed.)


Michelle said...

A beautiful shot and sometimes we need to recall those shots that remind us of better weather!

John said...

An important year for Europe and the world.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

It won' be long now before your skies are blue again Gunn, ours are a little too blue, haha is that possible!!

TheChieftess said...

I love this shot! The building is interesting...but with 1914 so bold...makes it all the more interesting!!! Blue skies soon!!!

VP said...

No question asked about the age of this building...