Friday 13 February 2015

Antique market.

Today was the big opening day for the annual antique weekend market at Ålgård / Figgjo.
It was interesting to see, expensive to get in.... and lots of things priced way over the top.
But seriously, there were some nice items, like this Dutch bowl at the front. Priced at 1100


William Kendall said...

Some of these antique shows can be quite pricy just to get in the front door, I find, but if you're a serious collector, they're worth checking out. The bowl does look good.

VP said...

This would be a huge success here!

Revrunner said...

I'd be on the lookout for some chili bowls. :-)

Denton said...

while living in Europe we collected lladro figurines .. we still charisse them

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Love antique markets Gunn, might not even buy but looove to look at old things :)

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

i love to look at 'old' things...but once it's labeled 'antique'...usually too expensive!
have a nice weekend!

Lois Evensen said...

What beautiful things!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Jack said...

Younger people in the USA don't seem to have any interest in collecting antiques, so the market for them is quite soft.