Thursday 12 February 2015

No Indian lunch today.

Another Indian restaurant in trouble, or perhaps redecorating?
Time will show.


William Kendall said...

I imagine it lets in a lot of light, so even if it went under, whatever comes after, the place has potential.

Revrunner said...

Maybe they're just redecorating.

Michelle said...

sad to see

Jack said...

The restaurant business is a tough one. Good luck to them.

Denton said...

hopefully it is redecorating which is occurring ... but the restaurants are especially vulnerable ... if a new restaurant opens down the street we all give it a try .. the crowds grow because they see others there ... and in the process the old is lost.

LuiZ FernandoS said...

Indian food is delicious!

VP said...

Not my kind of stuff, I hope it will become a pizzeria!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

A sign of the times unfortunately Gunn.