Friday, 16 January 2015


Is he back again, the REBEL,
who for years has put his signature all over the city??


Bill said...

What a jerk defacing the building. Unfortunately, you see it in a lot of places and people keep cleaning it up. All around Ireland you have Tidy Towns which are volunteers who clean up and try to keep their town clean. It is too bad there is a need for this. It is one of my pet peeves.

William Kendall said...

I find taggers incredibly discouraging. They have no respect for property that doesn't belong to them.

Jack said...

I sure hope this is just one random act and that no one goes around spreading graffiti everywhere. I can't stand it.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Let's hope not Gunn, they really don't add anything to the street scene.

VP said...

We have too many of signatures like this one...

Lois Evensen said...

I hope he/she is caught and made to clean up this and the entire city including litter for the next six months. Or, if he/she prefers, just go to jail for a year.