Wednesday 7 January 2015

On the news today!

What happened in Paris today was so barbaric, horrible and evil!

There are so many of us who feel sorry for the French people, and are worried for the democracy and the terrors that are now taking place in the hearth of Europe.


Gemma Wiseman said...

I couldn't agree more. Even in far south Australia, there is always the unsettling fear of what may happen next. Not a good feeling.

Rob Siemann said...

Yeah, what next?

William Kendall said...

What next is what always comes to mind. It was a shock seeing it on the news here this morning.

Revrunner said...

What a very appropriate photo, Gunn.

Babzy.B said...

We are terribly sad and chocked !

Lois said...

It's heartbreaking! I was just in Paris this past summer and I can't imagine the horror.

Jack said...

I agree completely. It is heartwarming to see posts like yours spontaneously showing up today.

martinealison said...


Je suis indignée et en colère !...
Une pensée particulière aux victimes et à leurs proches.


De tout coeur avec Charlie Hebdo...

Gros bisous ♡

Oakland Daily Photo said...

What is the most effective way to respond to the fear and anger this event arouses? I shudder at the possibilities.

biebkriebels said...

It effects everybody this cruel massacre. It is so hard to believe.

VP said...

So sad and not unpredictable...

SimTech said...

It is beleieved that single celled life began arount 3.6 billion years ago (billion, not million).

It saddens me to think that after approximately 3.6 billion years of evolution, this is where we are at!

Human beings are so slow to learn.

cieldequimper said...

Merci Gunn and yes, all of the Western world is threatened...