Thursday, 8 January 2015

Modern style.

More modern style in the city centre.


Julie said...

There are very few modern house styles that I appreciate, Gunn. Over here they tend to be dominated by the double garge, which is sooo ugly.

Birdman said...

Are those shades to the left and right of the windows? Apartments? Houses?

Gemma Wiseman said...

An interesting, sharply angled roof. It may be practical for encouraging movement of the snow off the roof, (or rain), but aesthetically a bit bland for me.

William Kendall said...

This one seems to have the look of a bunker.

Revrunner said...

I like contemporary.

Michelle said...

Not for me, but I do think it is interesting.

Jack said...

Hmmmmm. Can I have one of the old ones?

VP said...

Strange but not bad...

Lowell said...

That is quite modern, perhaps too much so for my taste. I'd have to see the inside before drawing any final conclusions! :)