Wednesday 21 May 2014

Unique shop.

"Radiocentralen" is for me a unique shop/building, so different to the other buildings nearby.
It made me both happy and nostalgic to see it again :)
One day I will pop in to take a look.
I think they must sell much more than just radios.
Good that small shops still exists in the city.


everydaybergen said...

Really unique, nice design. Greets from Bergen.

RedPat said...

It's wonderful!

martinealison said...


Une photo fascinante... et amusante...
Être là au bon moment...

Gros bisous ♡

William Kendall said...

A very colourful shop!

Lois said...

Oh yes, you must go in!

VP said...

Funny and eye-catching...

Babzy.B said...

nice design :)

Unknown said...

You've said it, it's unique and I love it! So very cool.

Jack said...

It is a great storefront, and you made the image sing by including the passing bicyclist.