Friday 2 May 2014

Time for new plants.

A plant at the corner of a back garden at a cafe in town.
It is time to do get some summer plants .....
Cold wind today, but sunny most of the day:)
Happy weekend to you.


Kate said...

That blue door jamb is deep and bright which bring attention to the pretty blue blossoms. Nice coordination. Your photo made me google our own Farmers Market, and it opens tomorrow morning. Hoorah!

Michelle said...

That plant is a beauty.

William Kendall said...

The hanger's rather like plant hangers we'll see here.

Jack said...

An attractive composition.

Alain said...

En harmonie avec la couleur de la porte.

Hilda said...

Still looks pretty to me!

VP said...

Beautiful, and I like the background blue...

Revrunner said...

Someone there has a nice eye for detail.