Thursday 26 December 2013

Control tower decorated for x-mas.

Even the tower at the airport has been decorated for Christmas.
I think it had even more lightbulbs around the windows than this, but perhaps it was taken down or fell off when we had some storms.
Anyway, today is the big day for people who are traveling back after visiting friends and family. Some have taken tomorrow off from work, and some will not go back home until after the new year.


Revrunner said...

I read reports of how maybe as many as 40% of Washingtonians have fled the city for the holidays. Of course, no one was talking about how many visitors were coming INTO town from elsewhere. :-)

John said...

Boxing Day in the Uk, sunny, but mre storms expected tomorrow. A lot of people have spent Christmas with no electricity, and their houses flooded. They don't need more rain, but it is on its way.

Unknown said...

Great composition! The best decoration happens to be the gorgeous sky in the background.