Sunday 24 November 2013

The Steiner school.

As I said in yesterdays posting, the xmas market is on the whole weekend.
More music, more entertainment and more to buy.
It looks like we will have a cold, but sunny day here in Stavanger.


Kate said...

Our country is jump starting shopping for the holidays early, too. Wish that retailers and shoppers would wait until after our Thanksgiving holiday, but I guess you don't have to contend with that since it's not your holiday.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

We have Christmas markets here too..did you make a start to your Christmas shopping list !

everydaybergen said...

It`s a long time to Christmas, and not so many people in market. But like I see it is really nice weather in Stavanger. Greetings from snowy and cloudy Bergen.


We don't get large Xmas markets here, but it would have been fun to walk around this. (I did not realize 'Kona' was Norwegian for wife, how fascinating, thank you! We named the dog Kona after a Hawaiian town and its coffee:)