Thursday 14 November 2013


Renaa´s Xpress is situated at Breitorget.
Just behind the Culturehouse.
Open for breakfast and lunch until 5 PM.

(The photo is taken at the same place as my first ever
photo on this blog.... the African Cafe, Black Coffee.)

LATER: And it is nothing like this either anymore.....


Revrunner said...

Nice atmosphere.

Pat said...

Hi, Gunn. Couldn't find an email link for the comment you left on my blog, so here I am. About Dubai: not my kind of place; too modern and not enough 'charm', but then again, I prefer older paces (at least visibly older!) Beautiful buildings, malls, though, and a nice beach.

TheChieftess said...

Really nice shot! This would be a fabulous shot for them to use for their advertising! Very chic while still warm and inviting!

VP said...

It is always good to come back where everything started!