Sunday 6 October 2013


Family show at the swimming pool yesterday afternoon.
Crazy- action - fun entertainment.
The humor festival is on, and includes shows for kids as well as adults.


VP said...

Very funny and spectacular photo!

Leif Hagen said...

Looks like a fun and exciting show! Glad I wasn't perched up there!
We had a nice visit from Steven Johnsen from Oslo this week whom you met during our visit in 2010!
Hilsen fra hela Hagen ganget

Babzy.B said...

funny place for a show , seems great :)

SimTech said...

Looks like a nice place to swim....
Is that a dolphin or a shark n the wall?

Lowell said...

Hope those guys goofing off up there don't fall over backward! Looks like a tropical pool and I can almost smell the chlorine and feel the moistness in the air! :)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Would be great watch :)

VP said...

A weird situation for a very funny shot!

Unknown said...

Fabulous capture, Gunn!