Saturday, 22 June 2013


Here it is,  - 604 m. over the fjord.


VP said...

Ouch... Impressive photo of a beautiful and scary place!

TheChieftess said...


LOLfromPasa said...

My goodness. How spectacular! It has been fun following you up to the top via your great photos.

Birdman said...

Yes, brave lads at the end. Had to be males, my guess.

Revrunner said...


Stefan Jansson said...

Wow. There it is. Very impressive.

Mary Ann said...

Once, my sons did the climb. I waited at the bottom. thanks for the memories.

Unknown said...

WOW! Fantastic, but I don't think I could go near the hedge. :-)

Valladolid Daily Photo said...

I wish to be there someday. I really enjoyed your Pulpit Rock serie. Well done, thanks for sharing.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh my Gunn, I enjoyed your trip all the way up to Pulpit Rock, but this last image made my stomach do some serious lurches :) I would not be able to stand there so close to the edge without thinking of flinging myself over haha!

Karl said...

Wow, what a place!
A spectacular photo indeed!

Lowell said...

I'm sorry. I just couldn't stand up there. Not for one second. It's beautiful. Doesn't matter. I get the willies just looking at this picture!

Bill said...

incredible view!!

Linda said...

Yikes! What a dizzying view!

justenoelle said...

Cool photo. I both want and don't want to visit the top of that rock.