Friday, 7 June 2013

On my walk before lunch today I saw some people having fun!!
It was a group of people working for the council at EMbo, (an institution for teenage refugees), who were out on a team building session. They were in a hurry, and had several other tasks to do around the lake Mosvannet.
I hope you won!!


Stefan Jansson said...

You don't want to get stuck there!

Jack said...

Some of these teambuilding exercises are silly, some are great. This group seems to be enjoying their challenge.

martinealison said...

Une jolie capture photographique...
Gros bisous

Babzy.B said...

they had fun ))

Marleen said...

I'm sure they are having a great time!
Nice action photo.

VP said...

They got no scissors?

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Haha! this looks a wee bit tricky Gunn, I could see myself being stuck here for a while :)