Does not take much to understand the body language here.
Another photo from RxR, the same place as yesterdays image.
Stavanger is the fourth biggest city in Norway. It is situated on the southwest coast. My aim is to try to capture something from every day, from the area nearby too, and when I am not at home I will still try to put up a photo from my archive. Welcome back for another look.
Not a very nice job to be a security person. But they are of necessity at events.
Tattoo guy is having issues with his anger I think. Nicely spotted Gunn.
Powerful image made even more so by the out-of-focus shoulder in the foreground. Wonderful catch!
Gunn, I worry about you! Looks like a volatile situation. But what a superb photo of human interaction.
I hope the guys in blue are paid very well...
well...this sure is a change from the first photo...the crowd doesn't look so happy any more...uh oh!!
Want to agree that the "out-of-focus" shoulder does make the photo powerful.
They couldn't pay me enough to be in the middle of all that. It looks to me like tattoo guy needs some perspective.
Great timing, Gunn! You really caught a situation with your camera.
Great capture & great timing!
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