Two students from Copenhagen, Morten and Don have arrived in Stavanger.
Nice to hear the Danish language again, and I have to say they had a good sense of humor too.
When I asked about the name DON, which to me is not very Danish, he told me that his mum liked Don Johnsen in Miami Vice, so that is why!:) So simple, why did I not think of that myself?
Anyway, the physiotherapist to be, and the engineer to be, are heading back to Denmark with a stop in Skagen before Copenhagen. They had been visiting Bergen and the Shetland Islands (Cheaper Wisky there than in Norway they told me:) And I nearly forgot to mention that they stopped on the island Anholt as well.
Have a nice time here and a safe journey back to DK.
Great shot of them Gunn.
Nice portrait! How funny it would be to know you're named after a fictional television character. It sounds like they're having a wonderful summer adventure.
Lovely looking young men Gunn.. believe it or not when my son was born, it was going to be either Paul, after Paul McCartney or David after David Essex..David won on the day haha!
Students? They don't look so young...
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