Wednesday, 20 June 2012

BLUE sky today.
Did he see the cat?


Halcyon said...

I had to look a little bit, but I see the cat now. :)
This is a lovely scene. It reminds me so much of summer.

TheChieftess said...

I almost missed the cat!!! Great sky!

Babzy.B said...

Good Day Sunshine :)i guess he saw it !

irinapictures said...

But the cat saw him for sure.
But I did not see the cat...
Beautiful Stavanger streets.

SimTech said...

Took me a while to find the cat...
This was a kind of "where's Waldo" picture.
Is there a prize for finding the cat?

Unknown said...

What a lovely street! And yes, I saw the cat. :-)

Dom said...

That's awesome... old buildings like these are one of the reasons I really would like to visit Sweden. :-)

Gunn said...

...... and after Sweden, you should continue to Norway.
My city is on the south-west coastline:)