Wednesday 30 May 2012

It is the time of year, when thousands of people are out on strike again.
The unions are saying that they are prepared to strike for a very long time if necessary.

Schools have closed, prisoners have been asked to go back into society again, because the staff are on strike. Homes for elderly people have less people working. Kids are going to their parents workplaces or are staying with grandparents, if they are not working or on strike... Some airports are on strike and the pilots will not receive proper weather forecasts........
Public offices are also involved.

Strange in a way.
Have you ever been effected by a strike?


-K- said...

Nothing like that ever happens here.

I have rarely been affected by a strike, certainly nothing as extreme as what you are describing.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

What are the demands of the strikers?

Gunn said...

From what I understand it has to with the ordinary salary. If you work for the state, you earn 20-30 % less than if you work in the private sector.

Some unions want their members to have 10 days extra paid leave if they need to look after elderly parents, follow them to the doctor, dentist etc.

And since most people work until they are 62 or 67, the unions also want older members to receive an extra 28 days of paid holiday, in addition to the 2 months of paid leave that they already have.

John said...

Some people need to get real.

Babzy.B said...

yes, were are used to , people need to be heard :)

VP said...

Many times, I live in Italy after all...

Lois Evensen said...

Welcome to the control of Unions that don't benefit anyone and can cause great harm to society. Hopefully, we can reverse that trend promoted by the current administration here before it is too late. We vote November 6. Oops, I just said something political, didn't I.... ;)

cieldequimper said...

Prisoners get out???

I'll second VP. Isn't France supposed to be the world champion?

Anonymous said...

oh !

Admit, that I am much impressed alike happening at your place.

Yes, life seems to be on the brink of change nearly everywhere. Wishing you that all remains peaceful and that a solution will be found soon.

Please have a good new month ahead.

Chrissy Brand said...

Good post. I find that strikes are usually justified and have been on several and supported many in my time.

Unknown said...

Oh, yes! I'm used to general strikes too. It's always a big mess but that's the only weapon workers have...

SimTech said...

I seriously cannot believe that they let prisoner out onto the streets because of a strike!
It sounds totally crazy to me.

it could make for a cunning escape plan... harass your prison guards about how little they earn until they end up striking, then receive a "get out of jail free" card.