Thursday, 26 April 2012

The restaurant "Kiellands" looks closed most of the year, but it might open again?
Anyway, the message is clear "EAT, DRINK and ENJOY LIFE!!


Chrissy Brand said...

A very good message in any language! Hope it opens again soon.

Lois Evensen said...

Perhaps it will open for a "tourist season?" :) Yes, a very good message.

Anonymous said...

great shot!

Michelle said...

Words to live by!

Lowell said...

The message sounds good and the enjoy life bit is right on target and I don't drink much but I've got to eat less! :-)

VP said...

An unambiguous and happy message, strange that a place like this is still closed!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Sounds like a good plan Gunn, let's do it!!