Every Sunday I have this brilliant idea, to live more healthy.... to avoid Yummy things like this "ROM- BOLLE".... but it normally ends around lunch time a day or two later.
What is your favorite treat from your local bakery?
Stavanger is the fourth biggest city in Norway. It is situated on the southwest coast. My aim is to try to capture something from every day, from the area nearby too, and when I am not at home I will still try to put up a photo from my archive. Welcome back for another look.
Doughnuts...very bad for you, but delicious.
To be honest, a simple piece of bread, yet it has to be still warm.
Please have a good new week ahead you all.
This delicious photo almost made me lick my computer screen, Gunn! Ha!
Hilsen fra Hagen ganget
Almost everything, but more in the salty range!
Thank goodness you come to your senses and dismiss your "brilliant idea"! I'd find this way too tempting on any diet!
The bakery at my local store used to have these wonderful treats called chocolate hazelnut danish. I loved them but,they don't make them any longer. That's probably for the best.
For me nothing can beat a simple croissant and coffee, although I have to say I would be seriously tempted by the above Gunn, it looks divine!
Bunuols, a kind of deep fried donut, covered with a mix of sugar and cinnamon. Scrumptious!
This is my favorite subject! It even turns the best among others in my paintings: food! Today we talked about healthy food with my friend, discussed new ideas, limits, control. And made the conclusion: we will eat useful food, control weight and die someday healthy))).
I am ice-cream addict. Chronic. More cream and fruits, the better.
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