Monday, 30 April 2012

Just before 07 on a bright morning.
Yes, we have plenty of stones around the Stavanger region!:)


Anonymous said...

beautiful...lots of shapes and texture!

Lowell said...

Looks like a rocky road ahead!

Gunn said...

I like your comment, Lowell.
Wish I had thought of it first.
Made me laugh!:)

Lois Evensen said...

Very neat image. Yes, I believe most of Norway is rocks. Beautiful rocks in different shapes and sizes.

Thérèse said...

A lot of copper around??
I just checked out where was Stavanger... now I know :-) My sense of geography is very weak.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Makes for a great image Gunn, especially in the early morning light.

Anonymous said...

close of being zen. great picture !

VP said...

A pleasant contrast between plain and raw stones...