Friday 29 April 2011

Like most places, we in Norway could not forget the Royal Wedding in London!
All major newspapers have been writing about it, and Norwegian TV followed it from early morning, so I did watch part of it on TV. Of course I thought the bride looked very pretty and the prince very handsome. What also really amazed me was the huge number of creative hats that were under the same roof. I guess there will be more about the newly weds in the days and weeks to come. Did YOU watch it?

Todays photo..... is the "breaking news" message from CNN.


Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

It was a very early show in the US and 7 hours earlier than London... However, our news shows will be repeating the broadcasts over and over and over. I just want to see the service, the vows and the music. I know that there will be a "hat feature" which I will certainly watch!

Bon weekend,

Luis Gomez said...

Great image! Yes, we have had endless hours of Royal wedding.

Kaori said...

I missed it! But heard about it...about the hats, too! ;D

Amanda said...

Some interesting hats. It looked like some guests might have needed 2 seats to stop their hats hitting others!

irinapictures said...

I watched parts of it. And I think it is very useful show, full of dignity and beauty. I hope they will be happy family.

VP said...

The same here, our best wishes!

Rob Siemann said...

Yep, some of the hats were very... noticeable indeed.
Wishing a happy life to 2 seemingly good people.