Saturday 6 November 2010

We have celebrated "Guy Fawkes Night" or "Bonfire Night" as some call it.
This is not a Norwegian thing, but as Stavanger is a very international city, and has a lot of British people living here ( including my husband) this has been an event here for many years.


Anonymous said...

What a peaceful flame ! Please have you all a good Sunday.

Michael said...

What a lovely scene.

VP said...

A nice and photogenic event, I hope the bonfire helps with the cold!

cieldequimper said...

Oh lucky you, it's been over 30 years since I've last been to Guy Fawkes! Have a great Sunday afternoon!

Amanda said...

Lovely photo. Hope you enjoyed the fireworks!

Gabriele said...

I don't know what is "Guy Fawkes Night" or "Bonfire Night" but it looks like have much fun.
Great Colors...Have a nice Sunday:-)

Mo said...

Loads of fireworks here. Not so many bonfires though

Lowell said...

It does look like a lot of fun! What happens at this event? Is there singing? Looks cold, too.

Unknown said...

Look at those blues! Wonderful contrast to the fire.