Friday 12 November 2010

BLACK, is that the main color we use at this time of the year??
Is it the same where you are?
Anyway, that was what I was thinking looking around at the airport this evening.


Michael said...

Yeah, black will always be the new black!

Birdman said...

Ya, BLACK is the new something! hahahaha

Luis Gomez said...

Yep, same here. Black everywhere.

VP said...

Sorry to confirm that black is everywhere!

Rob Siemann said...

Well, not too much here, saw many people in colorful t shirts this morning, on my way to the shops.

Leif Hagen said...

Not so much black all the time over here! Today is a snow storm!

quantum satis said...

Pussig, det er jo nå i mørketida at vi trenger å omgi oss med farger!