More street art.
As yesterday's photo this was also taken near the Stavanger Paintball Arena.
I have never tried paintball, but according to my husband it is great fun!?
Stavanger is the fourth biggest city in Norway. It is situated on the southwest coast. My aim is to try to capture something from every day, from the area nearby too, and when I am not at home I will still try to put up a photo from my archive. Welcome back for another look.
to shoot with colour, how peaceful a thought.
may time and life provide you all with a smile and a good and safe friday as well.
daily athens
Looks very nice!
Oh I don't normally like this kind of thing but this is great!
Strenght of graffiti is really amazing. They show the power of the urban voice, the lips of streets.
[Barcelona Daily Photo]
Hi Gunn, thank you for your comment in my blog.
I love the reflections and colors in the rainy time to. Today is the 3rd day of raining nonstop in Berlin.
CDP dont't scan since 2 November the photos from your, my and Leif's Blog and many other. Do you know them? I don't know what is the problem?! Can anybody check this? Ok ...maybe it needs time!
I'am Artfan and I like your Photo from yesterday. Leif go this weekend to the Artfair in Eagan...
I wish you a nice and sunny weekend:-)
Fint og litt trist på en gang.
Ha en fin helg!
Love this image, it's a great composition, Gunn!
A rare streak of nice street art: keep it coming!
Very compelling image.
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